Cricket is a game played by 22 but opined by millions.
I care to submit, I too am an opinion maker.
Quite early in life, I decided not to snort drugs, and focus on Cricket instead.
It’s now, after seeing the Lara’s and Kallis’ walk into the sunset and having witnessed nothing new in Gayle’s dances moves that I decided to put a context to my words. It’s great that the likes of Afghanistan are finding their feat today, as Cricket is finding a global foothold.
In these pages you can expect to find a mix of musings, tributes and lamentation on contemporary and yesterday’s action and stars.
Caught At Point will try to inform you and humour you on the game’s newsmakers, trends and, emerging patterns. Expect those deserving praise to be celebrated and expect tons of ‘arsehattery’ gifted to those who’ve earned it.
I’ll cricket sincerely,
Dev Tyagi